Created by : Asharfi Lal Mishra
Asharfi Lal Mishra |
continue from page-3 || THE RAMAYANA ||
एवं सीतां तदा दृष्ट्वा हृष्टः पवनसंभवः।
जगाम मनसा रामं प्रशशंस च तं प्रभुम।।
Thus , the son of Vayu ,delighted at seeing Sita there ,thought of Ram in his mind and praised his master.
स मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणः।
सीतामाश्रित्य तेजस्वी हनुमान विललाप ह।।
Thinking for a while with eyes full of tears, the effulgent Hanuman lamented the fate of Sita:
मान्या गुरुविनीतस्य लक्ष्मणस्य गुरुप्रिया।
यदि सीताSपि दुःखार्ताः कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः।।
" If even Sita ,ever devoted to her elders and worshipped by Lakshmana devoted to his brother ,is afflicted with grief ,indeed fate is invincible .
रामस्य व्यवसायज्ञा लक्ष्मणस्य च धीमतः।
नात्यर्थं क्षुभ्यते देवी गंगेव जलदागमे।।
The noble Sita , knowing the rosoluteness of Ram and of the wise Lakshmana ,does not agitate herself too much like the Ganges on the approach of the rainy season.
तुल्यशीलवयोवृत्तां तुल्याभिजनलक्ष्णाम।
राघवोSर्हति वैदेही तं चेयमसितेक्षणा।।
Raghava eminently deserves Sita equal to him in character ,age, conduct, family and other auspicious marks .Sita also of dark-blue eyes deserves him equally .
अस्या हेतोर्विशालाक्ष्या हतो वाली महाबलः।
चतुर्दश सहस्त्राणि रक्षसां भीमकर्मणाम।
निहतानि जनस्थाने शरैरग्निशिखोपमैः।।
On account of this Sita of wide eyes ,the highly powerful Vali was killed and fourteen thousand dreaded Rakshasas were killed in Janasthana by arrows like to flaming fires.
सागरश्च मया क्रान्तः श्रीमान नदनदीपतिः।
अस्यां हेतोर्विशालाक्ष्यााः चेयं निरीक्षिता।।
On account of this Sita of wide eyes the mighty ocean ,lord of many rivers, was crossed by me and this city was seen .
यदि रामः समुद्रान्ताः मेदिनीं परिवर्तयेत ।
अस्याः कृते जगच्चापि युक्तमित्येव में मतिः।।
If,for this lady`s sake,Ram were to wander round the whole earth girt by the ocean and ll the world ,my opinion is that it is but proper.
राज्यं वा त्रिषु लोकेषु सीता वा जनकात्मजा।
त्रैलोक्यराज्यं सकलं सीताया नाप्नुयात कलाम।।
The sovereignty of the tree worlds or Sita , daughter of Janaka,---(which is better?) --the entire sovereignty of the three will not equal a fraction of Sita.
सर्वान भोगान परित्यज्य भर्तृस्नेहबलात्कृता।
अचिन्तयित्वा दुःखानि प्रविष्टा निर्जनं वनम।।
Leaving off all pleasures and impelled strongly only by love of her husband ,she entered the forest devoid of human beings , not caring for difficulties .
इमां तु शीलसंपन्नां द्रष्टमर्हति राघवः।
अस्या नूनं पुनर्लाभाद्राघवः प्रीतिमेष्यति।।
Verily,Raghava deserves to see this virtuous lady .By regaining her Raghava will surely attain happiness.
continue to page-5
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