Created by:Asharfi Lal Mishra
Asharfi Lal Mishra |
continue from page-6 || THE RAMAYANA||
द्वौ मासौ रक्षितव्यौ मे योSवधिस्ते मया कृतः।
ततः शयनमारोह मम वरवर्णिनि।।
Two months more have to be kept by me,being the limit prescribed by me to you .Then you must come to my bed ,O beautiful one.
उर्ध्व द्वाभ्यां तु मासाभ्यां भर्तारं मामनिच्छतीम।
मम त्वां प्रातराशार्थम आरभन्ते महानसे।।
If even after the expiry of two months you do not desire me for your husband , they will prepare you in the kitchen for my morning meal . "
इत्युक्त्वा मैथिलीं राजा रावणः शत्रुरावणः।
प्रस्थितः स दशग्रीवः कम्पयन्निव मेदिनीम।।
Saying thus to Sita ,king Ravana of ten heads ,the vanquisher of foes ,departed , causing the earth to quake , as it ware .
हनुमानपि विश्रान्तः सर्वं शुश्राव तत्त्वतः।
ततो बहुविधां चिन्तां चिन्तयामास वानरः।।
Hanuman, too, having rested ,heard everything in truth. Then the monkey thought various kind of thoughts;
यां कपीनां सहस्त्राणि सुबहून्ययुतानि च।
दिक्षु सर्वासु मार्गन्ते सेयमासादिता मया।।
"She, whom the monkeys search for in their thousands and millions in all directions---she has been seen by me .
अहमाश्वासयाम्येनां पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम।
राममक्लिष्टकर्माणं स्वबन्धुमनुकीर्तयन।।
I shall console her , whose face is as beautiful as the full moon, by praising my friend Ram of benign actions."
सोSवतीर्थ द्रुमात्तस्माद्विद्र मप्रतिमाननः।
विनीतवेशः कृपणः प्रणिपत्योपसृत्य च।
ताम्रब्रवीन्महातेजा हनुमान मारूतात्मजः।
शिरस्यञ्जलिमाधाय सीतां मधुरया गिरा।।
Descending from the tree, the effulgent Hanuman , the son of Vayu , having coral red countenance and bearing himself humbly , approached Sita and saluted her with folded hands placed on his head and asked in a sweet voice ;
का त्वं भवसि कल्याणि त्वमनिन्दितलोचने।।
"O auspicious lady ,who are you ,of lovely eyes?
महिषी भूमिपालस्य राजकन्याSसि मे मता।।
It is my belief that you are a princess and the queen of a king.
रावणेन जनस्थानाद्वलादपहृता यदि।
सीता त्वमसि भद्रं ते तन्ममाचक्ष्व पृच्छतः।।
If you are the person who was carried away forcibly from Janasthana by Ravana , you are indeed Sita .Good betide you . Tell me who ask you
यथा हि तव वै दैन्यं रूपं चाप्यतिमानुषम।
तपसा चान्वितो वेषस्त्वं राममहिषी ध्रुवम।।
From your wreched condition , superhuman beauty and auscetic garb,you are surely the queen of Ram."
सा तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा रामकीर्तनहर्षिता।
उवाच वाक्यं वैदेही हनुमन्तं द्रुमाश्रितम।।
Hearing his words and delighted at the mention of Ram`s name,Vaidehi said these words to Hanuman who was on the tree;
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द्वौ मासौ रक्षितव्यौ मे योSवधिस्ते मया कृतः।
ततः शयनमारोह मम वरवर्णिनि।।
Two months more have to be kept by me,being the limit prescribed by me to you .Then you must come to my bed ,O beautiful one.
उर्ध्व द्वाभ्यां तु मासाभ्यां भर्तारं मामनिच्छतीम।
मम त्वां प्रातराशार्थम आरभन्ते महानसे।।
If even after the expiry of two months you do not desire me for your husband , they will prepare you in the kitchen for my morning meal . "
इत्युक्त्वा मैथिलीं राजा रावणः शत्रुरावणः।
प्रस्थितः स दशग्रीवः कम्पयन्निव मेदिनीम।।
Saying thus to Sita ,king Ravana of ten heads ,the vanquisher of foes ,departed , causing the earth to quake , as it ware .
हनुमानपि विश्रान्तः सर्वं शुश्राव तत्त्वतः।
ततो बहुविधां चिन्तां चिन्तयामास वानरः।।
Hanuman, too, having rested ,heard everything in truth. Then the monkey thought various kind of thoughts;
यां कपीनां सहस्त्राणि सुबहून्ययुतानि च।
दिक्षु सर्वासु मार्गन्ते सेयमासादिता मया।।
"She, whom the monkeys search for in their thousands and millions in all directions---she has been seen by me .
अहमाश्वासयाम्येनां पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम।
राममक्लिष्टकर्माणं स्वबन्धुमनुकीर्तयन।।
I shall console her , whose face is as beautiful as the full moon, by praising my friend Ram of benign actions."
सोSवतीर्थ द्रुमात्तस्माद्विद्र मप्रतिमाननः।
विनीतवेशः कृपणः प्रणिपत्योपसृत्य च।
ताम्रब्रवीन्महातेजा हनुमान मारूतात्मजः।
शिरस्यञ्जलिमाधाय सीतां मधुरया गिरा।।
Descending from the tree, the effulgent Hanuman , the son of Vayu , having coral red countenance and bearing himself humbly , approached Sita and saluted her with folded hands placed on his head and asked in a sweet voice ;
का त्वं भवसि कल्याणि त्वमनिन्दितलोचने।।
"O auspicious lady ,who are you ,of lovely eyes?
महिषी भूमिपालस्य राजकन्याSसि मे मता।।
It is my belief that you are a princess and the queen of a king.
रावणेन जनस्थानाद्वलादपहृता यदि।
सीता त्वमसि भद्रं ते तन्ममाचक्ष्व पृच्छतः।।
If you are the person who was carried away forcibly from Janasthana by Ravana , you are indeed Sita .Good betide you . Tell me who ask you
यथा हि तव वै दैन्यं रूपं चाप्यतिमानुषम।
तपसा चान्वितो वेषस्त्वं राममहिषी ध्रुवम।।
From your wreched condition , superhuman beauty and auscetic garb,you are surely the queen of Ram."
सा तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा रामकीर्तनहर्षिता।
उवाच वाक्यं वैदेही हनुमन्तं द्रुमाश्रितम।।
Hearing his words and delighted at the mention of Ram`s name,Vaidehi said these words to Hanuman who was on the tree;
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कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
एक टिप्पणी भेजें