Created By : Asharfi Lal Mishra
Asharfi Lal Mishra |
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*Poet : Valmiki *
Hanuman at Ashok Vatika in Lanka
दृष्टमन्तः पुरम सर्व दृष्टा रावणयोषितः।
न सीता दृश्यते साध्वी वृथा जातो मम श्रमः।।
" All the inner apartments have been seen. All the damsels in Ravana`s mansion have also been seen. But the pious Sita has not been seen . My labour has been in vain.
किं तु मां वानरास्सर्वे गतं वक्ष्यन्ति संगतााः।
अदृष्टवा किं प्रवक्ष्यामि तामहं जनकात्मजाम।।
What will the assembled monkeys say to me when I go to them ? And what shall I say not having seen Sita, the daughter of Janaka ?
अनिर्वेदः श्रियो मूलम अनिर्वेदः परं सुखम।
अनिर्वेदो हि सततं सर्वार्थेषु प्रवर्तकः।।
Hope is the source of good fortune .Hope causes the highest happiness. Indeed, hpoe impels one alwaya in all quests"
इति सञ्चित्य भूयोSपि विचेतुमुपचक्रमे।।
Thus pondering, he began once again to search for her.
उत्पतन्निपतंश्चापि तिष्ठन गच्छन पुनःपुनः।
अपावृण्वंश्च द्वाराणि कवाटान्यवघाटयन।
सर्वमध्यवकाशं स विचचार महाकपिाः।।
Leaping up and coming down, standing here and going there again and again -- thus that great monkey searched for her in every (conceivable) place.
चतुरङ्गुलमात्रोSपि नावकाशस्स विद्यते।
रावणान्तःपुरे तस्मिन् यं कपिर्न जगाम सः।।
There was not even a four-inch space in the inner apartment of Ravana which the monkey did not explore.
अदृष्टवा जानकी सीताम अब्रवीद्वचनं कपिः।
Not seeing Sita, the3 monkey spoke these words:
इह संपातिना सीता रावणस्य निवेशने।
आख्याता गृध्रराजेन न च पश्यामि तामहम।।
"Here in Ravana`s mansion was Sita said to be by Sampati, the king of Vultures. But I do not see her."
स मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा मनसा चाधिगम्य ताम।
अवप्लुतो महातेजाः प्राकारं तस्य वेश्मनः।।
After meditating foe a while and comprehending her with his mind, Hanuman of great brilliance leapt from that mansion into an enclosure.
अशोकबनिकायां तु तस्यां वानरपुंगवः।
ददर्श शुक्लपक्षादौ चंद्ररेखामिवामलाम।।
And in the Ashoka forest, the foremost of monkeys saw her like the spotless ray of the Moon in the beginning of the bright half of the month ;
मन्दं प्रख्यायमानेन रूपेण रुचिरप्रभाम।
पिनद्धां धूमजालेन शिखामिव विभावसोः।।
who was shining is lustre through her form was but slowly recognizable, like a flame of fire enveloped in a cloud of smoke;
पीतेनैकेन संवीतां क्लिष्टेनोत्तमवाससा ।
सपंकामनलंकारां विपद्मामिव पद्मिनीम।।
who was clad in a fine but tattered yellow cloth and, being dirty and devoid of ornaments ,looked like a lotus tank devoid of lotuses ;
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*Poet : Valmiki *
Hanuman at Ashok Vatika in Lanka
दृष्टमन्तः पुरम सर्व दृष्टा रावणयोषितः।
न सीता दृश्यते साध्वी वृथा जातो मम श्रमः।।
" All the inner apartments have been seen. All the damsels in Ravana`s mansion have also been seen. But the pious Sita has not been seen . My labour has been in vain.
किं तु मां वानरास्सर्वे गतं वक्ष्यन्ति संगतााः।
अदृष्टवा किं प्रवक्ष्यामि तामहं जनकात्मजाम।।
What will the assembled monkeys say to me when I go to them ? And what shall I say not having seen Sita, the daughter of Janaka ?
अनिर्वेदः श्रियो मूलम अनिर्वेदः परं सुखम।
अनिर्वेदो हि सततं सर्वार्थेषु प्रवर्तकः।।
Hope is the source of good fortune .Hope causes the highest happiness. Indeed, hpoe impels one alwaya in all quests"
इति सञ्चित्य भूयोSपि विचेतुमुपचक्रमे।।
Thus pondering, he began once again to search for her.
उत्पतन्निपतंश्चापि तिष्ठन गच्छन पुनःपुनः।
अपावृण्वंश्च द्वाराणि कवाटान्यवघाटयन।
सर्वमध्यवकाशं स विचचार महाकपिाः।।
Leaping up and coming down, standing here and going there again and again -- thus that great monkey searched for her in every (conceivable) place.
चतुरङ्गुलमात्रोSपि नावकाशस्स विद्यते।
रावणान्तःपुरे तस्मिन् यं कपिर्न जगाम सः।।
There was not even a four-inch space in the inner apartment of Ravana which the monkey did not explore.
अदृष्टवा जानकी सीताम अब्रवीद्वचनं कपिः।
Not seeing Sita, the3 monkey spoke these words:
इह संपातिना सीता रावणस्य निवेशने।
आख्याता गृध्रराजेन न च पश्यामि तामहम।।
"Here in Ravana`s mansion was Sita said to be by Sampati, the king of Vultures. But I do not see her."
स मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा मनसा चाधिगम्य ताम।
अवप्लुतो महातेजाः प्राकारं तस्य वेश्मनः।।
After meditating foe a while and comprehending her with his mind, Hanuman of great brilliance leapt from that mansion into an enclosure.
अशोकबनिकायां तु तस्यां वानरपुंगवः।
ददर्श शुक्लपक्षादौ चंद्ररेखामिवामलाम।।
And in the Ashoka forest, the foremost of monkeys saw her like the spotless ray of the Moon in the beginning of the bright half of the month ;
मन्दं प्रख्यायमानेन रूपेण रुचिरप्रभाम।
पिनद्धां धूमजालेन शिखामिव विभावसोः।।
who was shining is lustre through her form was but slowly recognizable, like a flame of fire enveloped in a cloud of smoke;
पीतेनैकेन संवीतां क्लिष्टेनोत्तमवाससा ।
सपंकामनलंकारां विपद्मामिव पद्मिनीम।।
who was clad in a fine but tattered yellow cloth and, being dirty and devoid of ornaments ,looked like a lotus tank devoid of lotuses ;
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