Created by : Asharfi Lal Mishra
Asharfi Lal Mishra |
(Condensed )
[Poet: Valmiki]
continue from page-5
निपपातान्तरिक्षाच्च पुष्पवृष्टिस्तदा भुवि।
किरन्ती राघवरथं दुरवापा मनोहरा।।
Then there fell a shower of flowers on the earth covering up the chariot of Raghava , a shower which rarely descends and most delightful.
राघवस्तवसंयुक्ता गगने च विशुश्रुवे।
साधु साध्विति वागग्रया देवतानां महात्नाम।।
Then the excellent words of the high-souled gods , in praise of Rama , were also heard in the sky saying 'well done ' ,'well done ".
आविवेश महान हर्षो देवानां चारणैः सह।
रावणे निहते रौद्रे सर्वलोकभयङ्करे।।
The greatest joy took possession of the gods and the charanas when the terrible Ravana , the terror of all the worlds , was killed.
भ्रातरं निहतं दृष्ट्वा शयानं रामनिर्जितम।
शोकवेगपरीतात्मा विललाप विभीषणः।।
Looking at his brother overpowered and slain by Rama and lying prostrate , Vibhishana lamented (bitterly) with his soul seized with sorrow :
तदिदं वीर संप्राप्तं मया पूर्वं समीरतम।
काममोहपरीतस्य यत्ते न रुचितं वचः।।
" O hero the warning which was uttered by me before , and which, in the infatuation of lust , did not command itself to you has now come true."
रामः शोकसमाविष्टमित्युवाच विभीषणम।।
To Vibhishana who was thus immersed in sorrow , Rama said thus :
नैवं विनष्टाः शोच्यन्ते क्षत्रधर्ममवस्थिताः।
नैकान्तविजयो युद्धे भूतपूर्वं कदाचन।
परैर्वा हन्यते वीरः परान वा हन्ति संयुगे।।
" Those engaged on Kshatriya duties ought not to be mourned thus ,when they die. Never before has victory in war been all on one side .
A hero is either killed by enemies or he kills his enemies in battle.
तदेवं निश्चयं दृष्ट्वा तत्त्वमास्थाय विज्वरः।
यदिहानन्तरं कार्यं कल्प्यं तदनुचिन्तय।।
Knowing this for certain and realising the truth , think with a calm mind on what should be done hereafter.
मरणान्तानि वैराणि निर्वृत्तं नः प्रयोजनम।
क्रियतामस्य संस्कारो ममाप्येष यथा तव।।
All enmities stop at death . Our purpose is fulfilled .Let his funeral rites be performed . He is to me also what he is to you ."
रावणं निहतं श्रुत्वा राघवेण महात्मना।
अन्तःपुराद्विनिष्पेत राक्षस्यः शोककर्शिताः।।
(Condensed )
[Poet: Valmiki]
continue from page-5
निपपातान्तरिक्षाच्च पुष्पवृष्टिस्तदा भुवि।
किरन्ती राघवरथं दुरवापा मनोहरा।।
Then there fell a shower of flowers on the earth covering up the chariot of Raghava , a shower which rarely descends and most delightful.
राघवस्तवसंयुक्ता गगने च विशुश्रुवे।
साधु साध्विति वागग्रया देवतानां महात्नाम।।
Then the excellent words of the high-souled gods , in praise of Rama , were also heard in the sky saying 'well done ' ,'well done ".
आविवेश महान हर्षो देवानां चारणैः सह।
रावणे निहते रौद्रे सर्वलोकभयङ्करे।।
The greatest joy took possession of the gods and the charanas when the terrible Ravana , the terror of all the worlds , was killed.
भ्रातरं निहतं दृष्ट्वा शयानं रामनिर्जितम।
शोकवेगपरीतात्मा विललाप विभीषणः।।
Looking at his brother overpowered and slain by Rama and lying prostrate , Vibhishana lamented (bitterly) with his soul seized with sorrow :
तदिदं वीर संप्राप्तं मया पूर्वं समीरतम।
काममोहपरीतस्य यत्ते न रुचितं वचः।।
" O hero the warning which was uttered by me before , and which, in the infatuation of lust , did not command itself to you has now come true."
रामः शोकसमाविष्टमित्युवाच विभीषणम।।
To Vibhishana who was thus immersed in sorrow , Rama said thus :
नैवं विनष्टाः शोच्यन्ते क्षत्रधर्ममवस्थिताः।
नैकान्तविजयो युद्धे भूतपूर्वं कदाचन।
परैर्वा हन्यते वीरः परान वा हन्ति संयुगे।।
" Those engaged on Kshatriya duties ought not to be mourned thus ,when they die. Never before has victory in war been all on one side .
A hero is either killed by enemies or he kills his enemies in battle.
तदेवं निश्चयं दृष्ट्वा तत्त्वमास्थाय विज्वरः।
यदिहानन्तरं कार्यं कल्प्यं तदनुचिन्तय।।
Knowing this for certain and realising the truth , think with a calm mind on what should be done hereafter.
मरणान्तानि वैराणि निर्वृत्तं नः प्रयोजनम।
क्रियतामस्य संस्कारो ममाप्येष यथा तव।।
All enmities stop at death . Our purpose is fulfilled .Let his funeral rites be performed . He is to me also what he is to you ."
रावणं निहतं श्रुत्वा राघवेण महात्मना।
अन्तःपुराद्विनिष्पेत राक्षस्यः शोककर्शिताः।।
On hearing that Ravana was killed by the high-souled Raghava ,all the Rakshasa women , emaciated through sorrow , issued forth from the inner apartments.
तासां विलपमानानां तथा राक्षसयोषिताम।
ज्येष्ठा पत्नी हतं दृष्ट्वा रामेणक्लिष्टकर्मणा।
पतिं मण्डोदरी तत्र कृपणा पर्यदेवयत।।
Among the Rakshasa women lamenting thus , the miserable first queen Mandodari looked at her husband , who had been killed by Rama of benign deeds and thus bewailed :
ननु नाम महाभाग तव वैश्रवणानुज।
क्रुद्धस्य प्रमुखे स्थातुं त्रस्यत्यपि पुरन्दरः।
स त्वं मानुषमात्रेण रामेण युधि निर्जितः।।
" O highly blessed one , your younger brother of Vaishravana , did not even Indra tremble to stand before you when you were angry ?
Now , however , you have been conquered in battle by Rama , a mere man .
यदैव च जनस्थाने राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृतः।
खरस्तव हतो भ्राता तदैवासौ न मानुषः।।
When, in Janasthana , your brother Khara, supported by many Rakshasas , was killed , even then this one was not a mere man .
व्यक्तमेष महायोगी परमात्मा सनातनः।
अनादिमध्यनिधनो महतः परमो महान।।
It is clear he is indeed the greatest Yogi , the supreme self , the everlasting , without beginning , middle or end , and the greatest of the great .
मानुषं वपुरास्थाय विष्णुः सत्यपराक्रमः।
सर्वैः परिवृतो देवैः वानरत्वमुपागतैः।
सर्वलोकेश्वरः साक्षाल्लोकानां हितकाम्यया।
सराक्षसपरीवारं हतवांस्त्वां महाद्युतिः।।
Vishnu himself , the lord of all the worlds and of true prowess , and of great effulgence , taking on a human body and surrounded by all the gods who had assumed the forms of monkeys , has killed by you with all your retinue of Rakshasas , for the purpose of bringing about the welfare of the world.
इन्द्रियाणि पुरा जित्वा जितं त्रिभुवनं त्वया।
स्मरद्भिरिव तद्वैरम इन्द्रियैरेव निर्जितः।।
Because you conquered your senses first , all the three worlds were conquered by you . As if remembering that enmity , you have (now) benn conquered by those (self-same) senses .
अरुन्धत्या विशिष्टां तां रोहिण्याश्चापि दुर्मते।
सीतां धर्षयता मान्यां त्वया ह्यसदृशं कृतम।।
O wicked one , by carrying away that noble Sita who is superior to Arundhati and even Rohini , an unworthy act has been committed by you .
अवश्यमेव लभते फलं पापस्य कर्मणः।
घोरं पर्यागते काले कर्ता नास्त्यत्र संशयः।।
The doer of every sinful act necessarily gets the terrible fruit thereof when the proper time comes round . There is no doubt of this.
शुभकृच्छ्रुभमाप्नोति पापकृत पापमश्नुते।
विभीषणः सुखं प्राप्तस्त्वं प्राप्तः पापमीदृशम।।
One who does good reaps good and one who does evil reaps evil. Vibhishana has won joy while you have reached this wretched state .
न कुलेन न रूपेण न दाक्षिण्येन मैथिली।
मयाSधिका वा तुल्या वा त्वं तु मोहान्न बुध्यसे।।
Neither by lineage , beauty nor sweet disposition , is Mathili my superior or even my equal . But on account of your infatuation you did not know it.
मैथिली सह रामेण विशोका विहरिष्यति।
अल्पपुण्या त्वहं घोरे पतिता शोकसागरे।।
Joined to Rama ,Maithili will go about rejoicing , free of all sorrow.But I , wretched women , have been immersed in the terrible ocean of sorrow.
भ्रंशिता कामभोगेभ्यः साSस्मि वीर वधात्तव।
सैवान्येवास्मि संवृत्ता धिग् राज्ञां चञ्चलाःश्रियः।।
O hero , by your death , I am deprived of all my enjoyments. That same I have now become , as it were a new person . Fie on the fickle fortunes of royal personages!
पिता दानवराजो मे भर्ता मे राक्षसेश्वरः।
पुत्रो मे शक्रनिर्जेता इत्येवं गर्विता भृशम।।
I was indeed highly haughty because my father was the king of the Danavas , my husband the Lord of Rakshasas and my son the conqueror of Indra .
सत्यवाक् स महाभागो देवरो मे यद्ब्रवीत।
सोSयं राक्षसमुख्यानां विनाशः पर्युपस्थितः।।
My high-minded brother-in-law (Vibhishana) was indeed a man of true words when he said ; ' destruction of the most famous Rakshasas is near at hand .'
न हि त्वं शोचितव्यो मे प्रख्यातबलपौरुषः।
स्त्रीस्वभावात्तु मे बुद्धिः कारुण्ये परिवर्तते।।
You of renowned strength and manliness do not need to be mourned by me ; but as is natural to a woman , my mind revolves in grief .
सुकृतं दुष्कृतं च त्वं गृहीत्वा स्वां गतिं गतः।
आत्मानमनुशोचामि त्वद्वियोगेन दुःखिता।।
Reaping the fruit of your good and bad actions , you are now gone to your destiny . I pity myself who am distressed at being separated from you .
धिगस्तु हृदयं यस्या ममेदं न सहत्रधा।
त्वयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने फलते शोकपीडितम।।
Fie on this sorrow-stricken heart of mine, which is not shattered into a thousand pieces even when you are dead!"
इत्येवं विलपन्त्येव देवी मोहमुपागमत।।
Even as she was lamenting thus ,Mandodari the queen became unconscious .
तथागतां समुत्पत्य सपत्न्यस्ता भृशातुराः।
पर्यवस्थापयामासू रुदन्त्यो रूदतीं भृशम।।
Raising her who was in such a state, those weeping co-wives who were highly distressed, consoled her who was weeping very much.
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रामो विभीषणमुवाच ह।।
In the meanwhile , Rama said to Vibhishana:
संस्कारः क्रियतां भ्रातुः स्त्रियश्चैता निवर्तय।
त्वत्सकाशाद्दशग्रीवः संस्कारं विधिपूर्वकम।
प्राप्तुमर्हति धर्मज्ञ त्वं यशोभाग् भविष्यसि।।
" Perform the funeral rites of your brother and cause these ladies to retire. The ten-necked Ravana deserves to have his funeral rites performed by you according to the ordinance . O knower of righteousness you will also obtain fame ."
राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा त्वरमाणो विभीषणः।
संस्कारेणानुरूपेण योजयामास रावणम।।
Hearing the words of Raghava , Vibhishana performed the funeral rites of Ravana fittingly and without delay .
राघवेणाभ्यनुज्ञातो मातलिः शक्रसारथिः
दिव्यं तं रथमास्थाय दिवमेवारुरोह सः।।
Permitted by Raghava , Matali the charioteer of Indra , went up to heaven taking his seat in that heavenly chariot .
अब्रवीच्च तदा रामो लक्ष्मणं दीप्ततेजसम।।
Then Rama said to Lakshmana , of bright lusture :
विभीषणमिमं सौम्य लङ्कायामभिषेचय।
अनुरक्तं च भक्तं च मम चैवोपकारिणम।।
" O amiable one , install in Lanka this Vibhishana who is affectionate and devoted and likewise helpful to me .
एष मे परमः कामो यदीयं रावणानुजम।
लङ्कायाम सौम्य पश्येयम अभिषिक्तं विभीषणम।।
O amiable one , this indeed would be my highest desire, If I should see this Vibhishana , the younger brother of Ravana installed in Lanka."
continue to page-7ननु नाम महाभाग तव वैश्रवणानुज।
क्रुद्धस्य प्रमुखे स्थातुं त्रस्यत्यपि पुरन्दरः।
स त्वं मानुषमात्रेण रामेण युधि निर्जितः।।
" O highly blessed one , your younger brother of Vaishravana , did not even Indra tremble to stand before you when you were angry ?
Now , however , you have been conquered in battle by Rama , a mere man .
यदैव च जनस्थाने राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृतः।
खरस्तव हतो भ्राता तदैवासौ न मानुषः।।
When, in Janasthana , your brother Khara, supported by many Rakshasas , was killed , even then this one was not a mere man .
व्यक्तमेष महायोगी परमात्मा सनातनः।
अनादिमध्यनिधनो महतः परमो महान।।
It is clear he is indeed the greatest Yogi , the supreme self , the everlasting , without beginning , middle or end , and the greatest of the great .
मानुषं वपुरास्थाय विष्णुः सत्यपराक्रमः।
सर्वैः परिवृतो देवैः वानरत्वमुपागतैः।
सर्वलोकेश्वरः साक्षाल्लोकानां हितकाम्यया।
सराक्षसपरीवारं हतवांस्त्वां महाद्युतिः।।
Vishnu himself , the lord of all the worlds and of true prowess , and of great effulgence , taking on a human body and surrounded by all the gods who had assumed the forms of monkeys , has killed by you with all your retinue of Rakshasas , for the purpose of bringing about the welfare of the world.
इन्द्रियाणि पुरा जित्वा जितं त्रिभुवनं त्वया।
स्मरद्भिरिव तद्वैरम इन्द्रियैरेव निर्जितः।।
Because you conquered your senses first , all the three worlds were conquered by you . As if remembering that enmity , you have (now) benn conquered by those (self-same) senses .
अरुन्धत्या विशिष्टां तां रोहिण्याश्चापि दुर्मते।
सीतां धर्षयता मान्यां त्वया ह्यसदृशं कृतम।।
O wicked one , by carrying away that noble Sita who is superior to Arundhati and even Rohini , an unworthy act has been committed by you .
अवश्यमेव लभते फलं पापस्य कर्मणः।
घोरं पर्यागते काले कर्ता नास्त्यत्र संशयः।।
The doer of every sinful act necessarily gets the terrible fruit thereof when the proper time comes round . There is no doubt of this.
शुभकृच्छ्रुभमाप्नोति पापकृत पापमश्नुते।
विभीषणः सुखं प्राप्तस्त्वं प्राप्तः पापमीदृशम।।
One who does good reaps good and one who does evil reaps evil. Vibhishana has won joy while you have reached this wretched state .
न कुलेन न रूपेण न दाक्षिण्येन मैथिली।
मयाSधिका वा तुल्या वा त्वं तु मोहान्न बुध्यसे।।
Neither by lineage , beauty nor sweet disposition , is Mathili my superior or even my equal . But on account of your infatuation you did not know it.
मैथिली सह रामेण विशोका विहरिष्यति।
अल्पपुण्या त्वहं घोरे पतिता शोकसागरे।।
Joined to Rama ,Maithili will go about rejoicing , free of all sorrow.But I , wretched women , have been immersed in the terrible ocean of sorrow.
भ्रंशिता कामभोगेभ्यः साSस्मि वीर वधात्तव।
सैवान्येवास्मि संवृत्ता धिग् राज्ञां चञ्चलाःश्रियः।।
O hero , by your death , I am deprived of all my enjoyments. That same I have now become , as it were a new person . Fie on the fickle fortunes of royal personages!
पिता दानवराजो मे भर्ता मे राक्षसेश्वरः।
पुत्रो मे शक्रनिर्जेता इत्येवं गर्विता भृशम।।
I was indeed highly haughty because my father was the king of the Danavas , my husband the Lord of Rakshasas and my son the conqueror of Indra .
सत्यवाक् स महाभागो देवरो मे यद्ब्रवीत।
सोSयं राक्षसमुख्यानां विनाशः पर्युपस्थितः।।
My high-minded brother-in-law (Vibhishana) was indeed a man of true words when he said ; ' destruction of the most famous Rakshasas is near at hand .'
न हि त्वं शोचितव्यो मे प्रख्यातबलपौरुषः।
स्त्रीस्वभावात्तु मे बुद्धिः कारुण्ये परिवर्तते।।
You of renowned strength and manliness do not need to be mourned by me ; but as is natural to a woman , my mind revolves in grief .
सुकृतं दुष्कृतं च त्वं गृहीत्वा स्वां गतिं गतः।
आत्मानमनुशोचामि त्वद्वियोगेन दुःखिता।।
Reaping the fruit of your good and bad actions , you are now gone to your destiny . I pity myself who am distressed at being separated from you .
धिगस्तु हृदयं यस्या ममेदं न सहत्रधा।
त्वयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने फलते शोकपीडितम।।
Fie on this sorrow-stricken heart of mine, which is not shattered into a thousand pieces even when you are dead!"
इत्येवं विलपन्त्येव देवी मोहमुपागमत।।
Even as she was lamenting thus ,Mandodari the queen became unconscious .
तथागतां समुत्पत्य सपत्न्यस्ता भृशातुराः।
पर्यवस्थापयामासू रुदन्त्यो रूदतीं भृशम।।
Raising her who was in such a state, those weeping co-wives who were highly distressed, consoled her who was weeping very much.
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रामो विभीषणमुवाच ह।।
In the meanwhile , Rama said to Vibhishana:
संस्कारः क्रियतां भ्रातुः स्त्रियश्चैता निवर्तय।
त्वत्सकाशाद्दशग्रीवः संस्कारं विधिपूर्वकम।
प्राप्तुमर्हति धर्मज्ञ त्वं यशोभाग् भविष्यसि।।
" Perform the funeral rites of your brother and cause these ladies to retire. The ten-necked Ravana deserves to have his funeral rites performed by you according to the ordinance . O knower of righteousness you will also obtain fame ."
राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा त्वरमाणो विभीषणः।
संस्कारेणानुरूपेण योजयामास रावणम।।
Hearing the words of Raghava , Vibhishana performed the funeral rites of Ravana fittingly and without delay .
राघवेणाभ्यनुज्ञातो मातलिः शक्रसारथिः
दिव्यं तं रथमास्थाय दिवमेवारुरोह सः।।
Permitted by Raghava , Matali the charioteer of Indra , went up to heaven taking his seat in that heavenly chariot .
अब्रवीच्च तदा रामो लक्ष्मणं दीप्ततेजसम।।
Then Rama said to Lakshmana , of bright lusture :
विभीषणमिमं सौम्य लङ्कायामभिषेचय।
अनुरक्तं च भक्तं च मम चैवोपकारिणम।।
" O amiable one , install in Lanka this Vibhishana who is affectionate and devoted and likewise helpful to me .
एष मे परमः कामो यदीयं रावणानुजम।
लङ्कायाम सौम्य पश्येयम अभिषिक्तं विभीषणम।।
O amiable one , this indeed would be my highest desire, If I should see this Vibhishana , the younger brother of Ravana installed in Lanka."
कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
एक टिप्पणी भेजें