Asharfi Lal Mishra |
[Poet: Valmiki]
continue from page-6
एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्री राघवेण महात्मना।
अभ्यषिञ्चत स धर्मात्मा शुद्धात्मानं विभीषणम।।
Being told thus by the high-minded Raghava ,the righteous-minded Lakshmana son of Sumitra , installed the pure-minded Vibhishana .
स तद्राज्यं महत प्राप्यं रामदत्तं विभीषणः।
प्रकृतीः सान्त्वयित्वा च ततो रामपुपागमत।।
Receiving that great kingdom given to him by Rama , Vibhishana consoled his subjects and then came to Rama.
ततः शैलोपमं वीरं प्राञ्जलिं पार्श्वतः स्थितम।
अब्रवीद्राघवो वाक्यं हनुमन्तं प्लवङ्गमम।।
Then Raghava said these words to the heroic and mountain-like monkey Hanuman who was standing near with folded hands:
गच्छ सौम्य पुरीं लङ्कां विजयेनाभिनन्द्य च।
वैदेह्यै मां कुशलिनं ससुग्रीवं सलक्ष्मणं।
आचक्ष्व जायतां श्रेष्ठ रावणं च मया हतम।।
" O amiable one and foremost of conquerors , go forth to the city of Lanka and after announcing the victory , inform Vaidehi of the welfare of myself along with Sugriva and Lakshmana and of the killing of Ravana by me.
प्रियमेतदुदाहृत्य मैथिलयास्त्वं हरीश्वर।
प्रतिगृह्य च सन्देशम उपावर्तितुमर्हसि।।
O lord of monkeys ,you should give this glad news to Maithili , and come back with her reply."
इति प्रतिसमादिष्टो हनुमान मरुतात्मजः।
वृक्षमूले निरानन्दां राक्षसीभिः समावृताम।
निभृतः प्रणतः प्रह्वः सोSभिगम्याभिवाद्य च।
रामस्य वचनं सर्वम आख्यातुमुपचक्रमे।।
Being thus commanded , Hanuman , the son of Vayu , approached Sita surrounded by Rakshasa women at the foot of the tree (Ashok) , and having saluted her humbly and reverently and with bowed head , began to deliver the whole of Rama's message :
वैदेहि कुशली रामः सहसुग्रीवलक्ष्मणः।
विभीषणसहायश्च हरीणां सहितो बलैः।।
" O Vaidehi , Rama is (indeed) well , along with Sugriva and Lakshmana , in the company of Vibhishana and the armies of monkeys.
कुशलं चाह सिद्धार्थो हतशत्रुररिन्दमः।।
Rama , conqueror of foes , having killed his enemy and fulfilled his purpose , conveys his welfare.
विभीषणसहायेन रामेण हरिभिः सह।
निहतो रावणो देवि लक्ष्मणस्य नयेन च।।
O Queen , with the help of Vibhishana and the sagacity of Lakshmana , Ravana has been killed by Rama , aided by the monkeys .
पृष्ट्वा तु कुशलं रामो वीरस्त्वां रघुनन्दनः।
अब्रवीत परमप्रीतः कृतार्थेनान्तरात्मना।।
After enquiring of your welfare , the heroic Rama , the delight of Raghus tells you with great satisfaction and with his heart's desire fulfilled :
प्रियामाख्यामि ते देवि त्वां तु भूयः सभाजये।
दिष्टया जीवसि धर्मज्ञे जयेन मम संयुगे।।
O Queen , I tell you this good news and so gratify you once again . O knower of righteousness , it is fortunate you are alive when victory has been obtained in battle .
लब्धो नो विजयः सीते स्वस्था भव गतव्यथा।
रावणश्च हतश्शत्रुः लङकाः चेयं वशे स्थिता।।
O Sita , victory has come to us . Be consoled , freed from all anxiety . Our foe Ravana has been been slain and this Lanka is now under my control.
मया ह्यलब्धनिद्रेण दृढेन तव निर्जये ।
प्रतिज्ञैषा विनिस्तीर्णा बद्ध्वा सेतुं महोदधौ।।
By building a bridge across the mighty ocean has this vow been fulfilled by me , who have been sleepless in my resolve to recover you.
संभ्रमश्च न गन्तव्यो वर्तन्तया रावणलये।
विभीषणविधेयं हि लङकैश्वर्यमिदं कृतम।।
No anxiety should be entertained (by you) because of your stay in Ravana's mansion . For the sovereignty of Lanka has now been placed in the possession of Vibhishana.
तदाश्वसिहि विश्वस्ता स्वगृहे परिवर्तसे।
अयं चाभ्येति संहृष्टः त्वद्दर्शनसमुत्सुकः।।
Therefore console yourself with confidence that you are now in your own house.And this Vibhishana is coming to you with a delighted heart , eager to have sight of you."
एवमुक्ता समुत्पत्य सीता शशिनिभानना।
अब्रवीत परमप्रीता हर्षगद्नदया गिरा।।
When thus addressed , Sita , of moon-like countenance , rose up and said , greatly pleased, in a voice choked with joy :
न हि पश्यामि सदृशं चिन्तयन्ती प्लवङ्गं।
मत्प्रियाख्यानकस्येह तव प्रत्यभिनन्दनम।।
" O monkey , however much I may think about it , I do not see any fitting reward to you who have brought pleasant tidings to me .
हिरण्यं वा सुवर्णं वा रत्नानि विविधानि च।
राज्यं वा त्रिषु लोकेषु नैतदर्हति भाषितुम।।
Silver , gold, various gems or the sovereignty of three worlds ~~ none of these deserves to be called a fit present for you ."
एवमुक्तस्तु वैदेह्या प्रत्युवाच प्लवङ्गमः।
गृहीतप्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं सीतायाः प्रमुखे स्थितः।।
When thus addressed by Vaidehi , the monkey Hanuman replied her with folded hands standing in front of her :
स्निग्धमेवंविधं वाक्यं त्वमेवार्हसि भाषितुम।
तदैतद्ववचनं सौम्ये सारवत स्निग्धमेव च।।
" You alone can utter such affectionate words. O amiable lady , these , your words, are significant and affectionate.
इस्मातु खलु राक्षस्यो यदि त्वमनुमन्यसे।
हन्तुमिच्छाम्यहं सर्वा याभिस्त्वं तर्जिता पुरा।।
If you approve of it , I desire to kill these Rakshasa women,by whom you were threatened before ."
एवमुक्ता हनुमता वैदेही जनकात्मजा।
उवाच धर्मसहितं हनुमन्तं यशस्विनी।।
When addressed thus by Hanuman , the noble Vaidehi , daughter of king Janaka , said (these words ) full of righteousness to Hanuman.
राजसंश्रयवश्यानां कुर्वन्तीनां पराज्ञया।
विधेयानां च दासीनां कः कुपयेद्वानरोत्तम।।
" O foremost of monkeys , who will get angry with her slaves who are accustomed to obey and to carry out the orders of other people and are helpless in the king's service?
भाग्यवैषम्ययोगेन पुरा दुश्चरितेन च।
मयैतत प्राप्यते सर्वं स्वकृतं ह्युपभुज्यते।।
All this comes to me because of the bad turn of my fortune and of my former sins. I am only experiencing the result of my own actions.
प्राप्तव्यं तु दशयोगान्मयैतिदिति निश्चितम।
दासीनां रावणस्याहं मर्षयामीह दुर्बला।।
Owing to my circumstances it is predetermined that I should experience such things .Yielding to fellow-feeling , I certainly forgive the acts of the slave-girls of Ravana .
आज्ञप्ता रावणेनैता राक्षस्यो मामतर्जयन।
हते तस्मिन्न कुर्युर्हि तर्जनं वानरोत्तम।।
O foremost of monkeys , being ordered by Ravana , these Rakshasa women threatened me ..Now that he is killed they will not use any threat .
भर्तारं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि कृतार्थं सहलक्ष्मणम।।
I long to see my lord , who has fulfilled his mission , with Lakshmana ."
ततः सीतां शिरस्स्नातां युवतीभिरलङ्कताम।
आरोप्य शिबिकां दीप्ताम आजहार विभीषणः।।
Then Vibhishana caused Sita , who had bathed her head (for the first time ), and had been decorated by young damsels, to take her seat in a spendid palanquin and brought her .
तामागतामुपश्रुत्य रक्षोगृहचिरोबिताम।
हर्षो दैन्यं च रोषश्च त्रयं राघवमाविशत।।
On hearing of the arrival of Sita who had spent a long time in the mansion of a Rakshasa, joy , sadness and anger ~~ all three took possession of Raghava.
लज्जया तववलीयन्ती स्वेषु गात्रेषु मैथिली।
विभीषणेनानुगता भर्तारं साSभ्यवर्तत।।
As if hiding herself in her own limbs through bashfulness , Maithili , followed by Vibhishana , approached her husband .
विस्मयाच्च प्रहर्षाच्च स्नेहाच्च पतिदेवता।
उदैक्षत मुखं भर्तुः सौम्यं सौम्यतरानना।।
She , of highly beautiful countenance and looking on her husband face of her husband with surprise , joy and love.
तां तु पार्श्वस्थितां प्रह्वां रामः संप्रेक्ष्य मैथिलीम।
हृदयान्तर्गतक्रोधो व्याहर्तुमुपचक्रमे।।
Looking full of Maithili who was standing modestly by his side ,Rama with resentment at heart began to address her thus :
एषाSसि निर्जिता भद्रे शत्रुं जित्वा मया रणे।
पौरुषाद्यदनुष्ठेयं तदेतदुपपादितम।।
" O gentle one , you have now been recovered after the enemy has been vanquished by me in battle .What could be achieved by manly prowess , that has now been accomplished .
गतोSस्म्यन्तममर्षस्य धर्षणा संप्रमार्जिता।
अवमानश्च शत्रुश्च मया युगपदुद्धृतौ।।
I have reached the end of my anger; the insult has been wiped out ; disgrace and enemy have both been rooted out by me simultaneously .
अद्य मे पौरुषं दृष्टम् अद्य मे सफलः श्रमः।
अद्य तीर्णप्रतिज्ञत्वात प्रभवामीह चात्मनः।।
To-day , my manliness has been displayed; to-day my labour has been fruitful; having fulfilled my vow , I am to-day master of my self .
प्राप्तचारित्रसन्देहा मम प्रतिमुखे स्थिता।
दीपो नेत्रातुरस्येव प्रतिकूलाSसि मे दृढम।।
Standing before my face with your character liable to suspicion , you have become absolutely unwelcome to me like a lamp to one who has sore eyes.
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[Poet: Valmiki]
continue from page-6
एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्री राघवेण महात्मना।
अभ्यषिञ्चत स धर्मात्मा शुद्धात्मानं विभीषणम।।
Being told thus by the high-minded Raghava ,the righteous-minded Lakshmana son of Sumitra , installed the pure-minded Vibhishana .
स तद्राज्यं महत प्राप्यं रामदत्तं विभीषणः।
प्रकृतीः सान्त्वयित्वा च ततो रामपुपागमत।।
Receiving that great kingdom given to him by Rama , Vibhishana consoled his subjects and then came to Rama.
ततः शैलोपमं वीरं प्राञ्जलिं पार्श्वतः स्थितम।
अब्रवीद्राघवो वाक्यं हनुमन्तं प्लवङ्गमम।।
Then Raghava said these words to the heroic and mountain-like monkey Hanuman who was standing near with folded hands:
गच्छ सौम्य पुरीं लङ्कां विजयेनाभिनन्द्य च।
वैदेह्यै मां कुशलिनं ससुग्रीवं सलक्ष्मणं।
आचक्ष्व जायतां श्रेष्ठ रावणं च मया हतम।।
" O amiable one and foremost of conquerors , go forth to the city of Lanka and after announcing the victory , inform Vaidehi of the welfare of myself along with Sugriva and Lakshmana and of the killing of Ravana by me.
प्रियमेतदुदाहृत्य मैथिलयास्त्वं हरीश्वर।
प्रतिगृह्य च सन्देशम उपावर्तितुमर्हसि।।
O lord of monkeys ,you should give this glad news to Maithili , and come back with her reply."
इति प्रतिसमादिष्टो हनुमान मरुतात्मजः।
वृक्षमूले निरानन्दां राक्षसीभिः समावृताम।
निभृतः प्रणतः प्रह्वः सोSभिगम्याभिवाद्य च।
रामस्य वचनं सर्वम आख्यातुमुपचक्रमे।।
Being thus commanded , Hanuman , the son of Vayu , approached Sita surrounded by Rakshasa women at the foot of the tree (Ashok) , and having saluted her humbly and reverently and with bowed head , began to deliver the whole of Rama's message :
वैदेहि कुशली रामः सहसुग्रीवलक्ष्मणः।
विभीषणसहायश्च हरीणां सहितो बलैः।।
" O Vaidehi , Rama is (indeed) well , along with Sugriva and Lakshmana , in the company of Vibhishana and the armies of monkeys.
कुशलं चाह सिद्धार्थो हतशत्रुररिन्दमः।।
Rama , conqueror of foes , having killed his enemy and fulfilled his purpose , conveys his welfare.
विभीषणसहायेन रामेण हरिभिः सह।
निहतो रावणो देवि लक्ष्मणस्य नयेन च।।
O Queen , with the help of Vibhishana and the sagacity of Lakshmana , Ravana has been killed by Rama , aided by the monkeys .
पृष्ट्वा तु कुशलं रामो वीरस्त्वां रघुनन्दनः।
अब्रवीत परमप्रीतः कृतार्थेनान्तरात्मना।।
After enquiring of your welfare , the heroic Rama , the delight of Raghus tells you with great satisfaction and with his heart's desire fulfilled :
प्रियामाख्यामि ते देवि त्वां तु भूयः सभाजये।
दिष्टया जीवसि धर्मज्ञे जयेन मम संयुगे।।
O Queen , I tell you this good news and so gratify you once again . O knower of righteousness , it is fortunate you are alive when victory has been obtained in battle .
लब्धो नो विजयः सीते स्वस्था भव गतव्यथा।
रावणश्च हतश्शत्रुः लङकाः चेयं वशे स्थिता।।
O Sita , victory has come to us . Be consoled , freed from all anxiety . Our foe Ravana has been been slain and this Lanka is now under my control.
मया ह्यलब्धनिद्रेण दृढेन तव निर्जये ।
प्रतिज्ञैषा विनिस्तीर्णा बद्ध्वा सेतुं महोदधौ।।
By building a bridge across the mighty ocean has this vow been fulfilled by me , who have been sleepless in my resolve to recover you.
संभ्रमश्च न गन्तव्यो वर्तन्तया रावणलये।
विभीषणविधेयं हि लङकैश्वर्यमिदं कृतम।।
No anxiety should be entertained (by you) because of your stay in Ravana's mansion . For the sovereignty of Lanka has now been placed in the possession of Vibhishana.
तदाश्वसिहि विश्वस्ता स्वगृहे परिवर्तसे।
अयं चाभ्येति संहृष्टः त्वद्दर्शनसमुत्सुकः।।
Therefore console yourself with confidence that you are now in your own house.And this Vibhishana is coming to you with a delighted heart , eager to have sight of you."
एवमुक्ता समुत्पत्य सीता शशिनिभानना।
अब्रवीत परमप्रीता हर्षगद्नदया गिरा।।
When thus addressed , Sita , of moon-like countenance , rose up and said , greatly pleased, in a voice choked with joy :
न हि पश्यामि सदृशं चिन्तयन्ती प्लवङ्गं।
मत्प्रियाख्यानकस्येह तव प्रत्यभिनन्दनम।।
" O monkey , however much I may think about it , I do not see any fitting reward to you who have brought pleasant tidings to me .
हिरण्यं वा सुवर्णं वा रत्नानि विविधानि च।
राज्यं वा त्रिषु लोकेषु नैतदर्हति भाषितुम।।
Silver , gold, various gems or the sovereignty of three worlds ~~ none of these deserves to be called a fit present for you ."
एवमुक्तस्तु वैदेह्या प्रत्युवाच प्लवङ्गमः।
गृहीतप्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं सीतायाः प्रमुखे स्थितः।।
When thus addressed by Vaidehi , the monkey Hanuman replied her with folded hands standing in front of her :
स्निग्धमेवंविधं वाक्यं त्वमेवार्हसि भाषितुम।
तदैतद्ववचनं सौम्ये सारवत स्निग्धमेव च।।
" You alone can utter such affectionate words. O amiable lady , these , your words, are significant and affectionate.
इस्मातु खलु राक्षस्यो यदि त्वमनुमन्यसे।
हन्तुमिच्छाम्यहं सर्वा याभिस्त्वं तर्जिता पुरा।।
If you approve of it , I desire to kill these Rakshasa women,by whom you were threatened before ."
एवमुक्ता हनुमता वैदेही जनकात्मजा।
उवाच धर्मसहितं हनुमन्तं यशस्विनी।।
When addressed thus by Hanuman , the noble Vaidehi , daughter of king Janaka , said (these words ) full of righteousness to Hanuman.
राजसंश्रयवश्यानां कुर्वन्तीनां पराज्ञया।
विधेयानां च दासीनां कः कुपयेद्वानरोत्तम।।
" O foremost of monkeys , who will get angry with her slaves who are accustomed to obey and to carry out the orders of other people and are helpless in the king's service?
भाग्यवैषम्ययोगेन पुरा दुश्चरितेन च।
मयैतत प्राप्यते सर्वं स्वकृतं ह्युपभुज्यते।।
All this comes to me because of the bad turn of my fortune and of my former sins. I am only experiencing the result of my own actions.
प्राप्तव्यं तु दशयोगान्मयैतिदिति निश्चितम।
दासीनां रावणस्याहं मर्षयामीह दुर्बला।।
Owing to my circumstances it is predetermined that I should experience such things .Yielding to fellow-feeling , I certainly forgive the acts of the slave-girls of Ravana .
आज्ञप्ता रावणेनैता राक्षस्यो मामतर्जयन।
हते तस्मिन्न कुर्युर्हि तर्जनं वानरोत्तम।।
O foremost of monkeys , being ordered by Ravana , these Rakshasa women threatened me ..Now that he is killed they will not use any threat .
भर्तारं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि कृतार्थं सहलक्ष्मणम।।
I long to see my lord , who has fulfilled his mission , with Lakshmana ."
ततः सीतां शिरस्स्नातां युवतीभिरलङ्कताम।
आरोप्य शिबिकां दीप्ताम आजहार विभीषणः।।
Then Vibhishana caused Sita , who had bathed her head (for the first time ), and had been decorated by young damsels, to take her seat in a spendid palanquin and brought her .
तामागतामुपश्रुत्य रक्षोगृहचिरोबिताम।
हर्षो दैन्यं च रोषश्च त्रयं राघवमाविशत।।
On hearing of the arrival of Sita who had spent a long time in the mansion of a Rakshasa, joy , sadness and anger ~~ all three took possession of Raghava.
लज्जया तववलीयन्ती स्वेषु गात्रेषु मैथिली।
विभीषणेनानुगता भर्तारं साSभ्यवर्तत।।
As if hiding herself in her own limbs through bashfulness , Maithili , followed by Vibhishana , approached her husband .
विस्मयाच्च प्रहर्षाच्च स्नेहाच्च पतिदेवता।
उदैक्षत मुखं भर्तुः सौम्यं सौम्यतरानना।।
She , of highly beautiful countenance and looking on her husband face of her husband with surprise , joy and love.
तां तु पार्श्वस्थितां प्रह्वां रामः संप्रेक्ष्य मैथिलीम।
हृदयान्तर्गतक्रोधो व्याहर्तुमुपचक्रमे।।
Looking full of Maithili who was standing modestly by his side ,Rama with resentment at heart began to address her thus :
एषाSसि निर्जिता भद्रे शत्रुं जित्वा मया रणे।
पौरुषाद्यदनुष्ठेयं तदेतदुपपादितम।।
" O gentle one , you have now been recovered after the enemy has been vanquished by me in battle .What could be achieved by manly prowess , that has now been accomplished .
गतोSस्म्यन्तममर्षस्य धर्षणा संप्रमार्जिता।
अवमानश्च शत्रुश्च मया युगपदुद्धृतौ।।
I have reached the end of my anger; the insult has been wiped out ; disgrace and enemy have both been rooted out by me simultaneously .
अद्य मे पौरुषं दृष्टम् अद्य मे सफलः श्रमः।
अद्य तीर्णप्रतिज्ञत्वात प्रभवामीह चात्मनः।।
To-day , my manliness has been displayed; to-day my labour has been fruitful; having fulfilled my vow , I am to-day master of my self .
प्राप्तचारित्रसन्देहा मम प्रतिमुखे स्थिता।
दीपो नेत्रातुरस्येव प्रतिकूलाSसि मे दृढम।।
Standing before my face with your character liable to suspicion , you have become absolutely unwelcome to me like a lamp to one who has sore eyes.
continue to page-8
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