Created by:Asharfi Lal Mishra
Asharfi Lal Mishra |
continue from page-6 || THE RAMAYANA||
(Poet: Valmiki)
त्वरमाणो जगामाथ सीतादर्शनलालसः।
शून्यभावसथं दृष्ट्वा बभूवोद्विग्नमानसः।।
In haste , he went being eager to see Sita .And seeing the abode empty, he became very much distressed in mind.
सीतामपश्यन धर्मात्मा कामोपहतचेतनः।
विललाप महाबाहू रामः कमललोचनः।।
Not seeing Sita , the righteous-minded Rama , of lotus-like eyes and mighty arms , lamented, with his mind afflicted with love.
तं तथा परिताणर्तं लक्ष्मणो राममब्रवीत।।
To Rama ,who was thus being afflicted with distress,Lakshmana said :
सन्तीह गिरिदुर्गाणि निर्दराः कन्दराणि च।
गुहाश्च विविधा घोरा नानाद्रुमगणाकुलाः।
आवासाः किन्नराणां च गंधर्वभवनानि च।
तानि युक्तो मया सार्धं त्वमन्वेषितुमर्हसि।।
" Here are many forest strongholds, clefts of rocks, many fearful caves full of various clumps of trees , the abodes of Kinnaras as well as the mansions of Gandharvas . It is meet that along with me you should search all the places.
त्वद्विधा बुद्धिसंपन्ना महात्मानो नरर्षभ।
आपत्सु न प्रकम्पन्ते वायुवेगैरिवाचलाः।।
O best of men , high-souled and wise men like you are not shaken in danger like mountains by the force of the wind ."
इत्युक्तस्तद्वनं सर्वं विचचार सलक्ष्मणः।
क्रुद्धो रामः शरं घोरं सन्धाय धनुषि क्षुरम।।
Being spoken to in this manner , Rama became angry and fixing a sharp and deadly arrow in his bow , wandered all over the forest with Lakshmana.
ततः पर्वतकूटाभं महाभागं द्विजोत्तमम।
ददर्श पतितं भूमौ क्षतजार्द्रं जटायुषम।।
The blessed Jatayu in the arms of Raghavas
Then he saw fallen on the ground the blessed Jatayu , best of birds, drenched with blood and looking like a mountain peak.
अभ्यभाषत पक्षी तु रामं दशरथात्मजम।।
And bird spoke to Rama , the son of Dasharatha:
यामोषधिमिवायुष्मन्नन्वेषसि महावने।
सा देवी मम च प्राणा रावणेनोभयं हृतम।।
" O Rama of long life ,that Lady whom you are searching for in this great forest as for a medicinal plant , and my life ~~both have been carried away by Ravana .
परिश्रान्तस्य मे तात पक्षौ छित्वा च राक्षसः।
सीतामादाय वैदेहीं प्रयातो दक्षिणां दिशम।।
O darling , the Rakshasa, cutting off my wings when I became exhausted and carrying Sita , the daughter of king of Videhas , went off in the southern direction.
उपरुध्यन्ति मे प्राणा दृष्टिर्भ्रमति राघवः।
पश्यामि वृक्षान सौवर्णानुशीरकृतमूर्धजान।।
O Raghava ,my life is in mortal agony, my eye-sight is unsteady. I see before me golden trees crowned with usira hairs.
येन यातो मुहूर्तेन सीतामादाय रावणः।
विप्रनष्टं धनं क्षिप्रं तत स्वामी प्रतिपद्यते।।
That time when Raghava went away , taking Sita with him~~ that is the time when the owner of the lost property regains it soon.
विन्दो नाम मुहूर्तोSयं स च काकुत्स्थ नाबुधत।।
That time is called by the name Vinda . O Kakutstha , he (Ravana ) did not know it
त्वत्प्रियां जानकीं हृत्वा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः।
झषवद्वडिशं गृह्य क्षिप्रमेव विनश्यति।।
Ravana the lord of Rakshasas , carrying away your beloved Janaki, will soon meet with destruction like the fish that swallows a hook."
इत्युक्त्वा दुर्लभान प्राणान मुमोच पतगेश्वरः।।
So saying , the lord of the birds, Jatayu , gave up his precious life.
तं गृध्रं प्रेक्ष्य ताम्राक्षं रामस्सौमित्रिमब्रवीत।
गृध्रराज महासत्व संस्कृतश्च मया ब्रज।।
Looking at the red-eyed vulture, Rama spoke to Lakshmana : " I wish to cremate him who has been killed on my account .
मया त्वं समनुज्ञातो गच्छ लोकाननुत्तमान।
गृध्रराज महासत्त्वं संस्कृतश्च मया ब्रज।।
With my leave, proceed to the exceedingly high regions of bliss : " O mighty and powerful Lord of Vultures , being purified ( on the funeral pyre ) by me , proceed thither ."
एवमुक्त्वा चितां दीप्तामारोप्य पतगेश्वरम।
ददाह रामो धर्मात्मा स्वबन्धुमिव दुःखितः।।
Saying thus and placing the lord of birds on the blazing pile, the righteous-minded Rama cremated him with grief as ( he would ) his own relation.
ततो गोदावरीं गत्वा नदीं नरवरात्मजौ।
स्नात्वा तौ गृध्रराजाय उदकं चक्रतुस्तदा।।
Then proceeding to the river Godavari, the two princes bathed and offered water-libations there to the lord of the vultures.
तयोरन्वेषतोरेवं सर्वं तद्वनमोजसा।
संजज्ञे विपुलः शब्दः प्रभञ्जन्निव तद्वनम।।
As they were thus searching the forest with all their ability , a terrible sound arose , as if bursting the forest .
Killed demon Kabandha by Raghavas
अथ तौ समभिक्रम्य क्रोशमात्रे ददर्शतुः।
महान्तं दारुणं भीमं कबन्धं भुजसंवृतम।।
Then going forward ,they saw , at a distance of just one krosa , a Kabandha (headless person) huge ,terrible , fearful and of outstretched arms.
स महाबाहुरत्यर्थं प्रसार्य विपुलौ भुजौ।
विदार्यास्यं तदा रौद्रस्तौ भक्षयितुमारभत।।
That terrible Rakshasa of mighty arms , extended to their full length his long arms and opening wide his mouth , began to devour them .
ततस्तौ देशकालज्ञौ खड्गाभ्यामेव राघवौ।
अच्छिन्दतां सुसंहृष्टौ बाहू तस्यांसदेशतः।।
Then these two Raghjavas ( Rama and Lakshmana ) experts in judging time and place , cut off with great satisfaction with their swords the two arms of the demon from their shoulder-pits .
स पपात महाबाहुश्छिन्नबाहुर्महास्वनः।।
Then the mighty- armed demon , his arms cut off , fell down with a loud cry .
उवाच परमप्रीतस्तदिन्द्रवचनं स्मरन।।
Being highly delighted , he said , remembering what Indra had told him (before) :
स्वागतं वां नरव्याघ्रौ दिष्टया पश्यामि चाप्यहम।
दिष्टया चेमौ निकृत्तौ मे युवाभ्यां बाहुबन्धनौ।।
Welcome to both of you best of men . By good fortune indeed , do I see you . By good fortune too, the joints of my arms have been sundered away by you.
गच्छ शीघ्रमितो वीर सुग्रीवं तं महाबलम।
वयस्थ तं कुरु क्षिप्रमितो गत्वाSद्य राघव।।
From here , proceed quickly O hero , to Sugriva of great strength .O Raghjava , go hence to-day and make him your friend quickly .
एष राम शिवः पन्था यत्रैते पुष्पिता द्रुमाः।
प्रतीचीं दिशमाश्रित्य प्रकाशन्ते मनोरमाः।।
O Rama ,this is the auspicious path where these delightful trees shine with their flowers in the western direction ."
तौ कबन्धेन तं मार्गं पम्पाया दर्शितं वने।
वीक्षन्तौ पश्चिमं तीरं राघवावुपतस्थतुः।।
Looking at path towards the Pampa which was shown to them by Kabandha , the two Raghavas, Rama and Lakshmana arrived at the southern bank of the Pampa .
स तां दृष्ट्वा पुनः पम्पां पद्मसौगन्धिकैर्युताम।
इत्युवाच तदा वाक्यं लक्ष्मणं सत्यविक्रमः।
सुग्रीवमभिगच्छ त्वं वानरेन्द्रं नरर्षभ।।
Looking once again at the Pampa , full lotuses and water-lilies, Rama of true valour , spoke these words to Lakshmana ; " O best of men , meet Sugriva , the king of monkeys .
राज्यभ्रष्टेन दीनेन तस्यामासक्तचेतसा।
कथं मया विना शक्यं सीता लक्ष्मण जीवितुम।।
O Lakshmana , how can I ,deprived of my kingdom and helpless and with my heart fixed on her , live in the absence of Sita ? "
|| Aranyakanda end ||
कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
एक टिप्पणी भेजें