Created by : Asharfi Lal Mishra
Asharfi Lal Mishra |
[Poet : Valmiki]
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तमहं हेतुभिर्वाकयैः विविधैश्च न्यदर्शयम।
सा तु निर्यात्यतां सीता रामायेति पुनःपुनः।।
I pointed out to him again and again through many cogent arguments that Sita should be restored to Rama.
स च न प्रतिजग्राह रावणः कालचोदितः।
उच्चमानं हितं वाक्यं विपरीत इवौषधम।।
But Ravana , being impelled by Destiny , did not heed the salutary words spoken by me as one who is doomed rejects medicines.
सोSहं परुषितस्तेन दासवच्चावमानितः।
त्यक्त्वा पुत्रांश्च दारांश्च राघवं शरणं गतः।।
Being treated harshly and insulted by him as if I were a servant , I am come to Raghava for refuge , abandoning wife and children."
एतत्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवो राममब्रवीत।
रावणेन प्रणहितं तमवेहि विभीषणम।
तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये क्षमं क्षमवतां वर।।
Hearing these words , Sugriva spoke to Rama thus ; O foremost of forgiving persons , know Vibhishana to have been sent by Ravana . I think it proper that he should be punished ."
अथ संस्कारसंपन्नो हनूमान सचिवोत्तमः।
उवाच वचनं श्लक्ष्णम अर्थवन्मधुरं लघु।।
Then the cultured Hanuman , foremost of counsellors , spoke clearly , gently , simply and with high significance :
दौरास्म्यं रावणे दृष्ट्वा विक्रमं च तथा त्वयि।
राज्यं प्रार्थयमानश्च बुद्धिपूर्वमिहागतः।।
" Perceiving wickedness in Ravana and valour likewise in you , he has come here deliberately , being desirous of obtaining the kingdom."
अथ रामः प्रसन्नात्मा श्रुत्वा वायुसुतस्य ह।
प्रत्यभाषत दुर्धर्षः श्रुत्वानात्मनि स्थितम।।
Then , hearing the words of the son of Vayu ,Rama , serene in heart , unshaken of purpose and well-versed in precedents , replied, expressing hi own mind :
मित्रभावेन संप्राप्तं त्यजेयं कथञ्चन।
दोषो यद्यपि तस्य स्यात सतामेतदगर्हितम।।
" I will never forsake one who has come as friend , even if there be any evil intent to him .This is the course approved by the good .
सुदुष्टो वाSप्यदुष्टो वा किमेष रजनीचरः।
सूक्ष्ममप्यहितं कर्तुं ममाशक्तः कथञ्चन।।
Whether he is highly wicked or not at all wicked , this Rakshasa is incapable of ever doing the least harm.
आर्तो वा यदि वा दृप्तः परेषां शरणागतः।
अरिः प्राणान परित्यज्य रक्षितव्यः कृतात्मना।।
An enemy , distressed or proud , seeking refuge of another , should be protected by one who is resolute in the discharge of duty , even at the risk of one's life.
सकृदेव प्रपन्नाय तवास्मीत च याचते।
अभयं सर्वभूतेभ्यो ददाभ्येतदव्रतं मम।।
To him who seeks my protection even once and requests help of me saying 'I am yours' , I shall give protection from all creatures . This is my vow."
राघवेणाभये दत्ते सन्नतो रावणानुजः।
अब्रवीच्च तदा रामं वाक्यं तत्र विभीषणः।।
When protection had been promised by Raghava , Vibhishana , the younger brother of Ravana , bowed and said to Rama these words:
परित्यक्ता मया लङ्का मित्राणि च धनानि च।
भवद्गतं मे राज्यं च जीवितं च सुखानि च।।
" Lanka has been abandoned by me , and friends and riches as well . Kingdom , life and all happiness are dependent on you ."
इति ब्रुवाणं रामत्तु परिष्वज्य विभीषणम।
अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणं प्रीतः समुद्राज्जलमानय।
तेन चैनं महाप्राज्ञम अभिषिञ्च विभीषणम।।
Embracing Vibhishana and who spoke thus , Rama being pleased said to Lakshmana : " bring the water from the ocean , and with it consecrate the highly wise Vibhishana."
एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्रिरभ्यषिञ्चद्विभीषणम।
मध्ये वानरमुख्यानां राजानं रामशासनात।।
Being thus addressed , Lakshmana , the son of Sumitra , consecrated Vibhishana as king , at the command of Rama , in the presence of the chief of monkeys.
ततः सागरवेलायां दर्भानास्तीर्य राघवः।
अञ्जलिं प्राङ्मुखः कृत्वा प्रतिशिश्ये महोदधेः।।
Then spreading darbha on the shore of the ocean , Raghava lay on it facing the east after having saluted the ocean with folded hands .
स त्रिरात्रोषितस्तत्र नयज्ञो धर्मवत्सलः।
न च दर्शयते रूपं तदा रामस्य सागरः।।
There Rama , master of property and devoted to dharma , spent their nights. Even then the ocean-god did not show himself to Rama .
समुद्रस्य ततः क्रुद्धो रामो रक्तान्तलोचनः।
समीपस्थमुवाचेदं लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्ष्मणम।।
Thereupon, Rama , becoming angry with the ocean-god and with his eyes red at the corners, spoke these words to the auspicious-marked Lakshmana who was standing near :
चापमानय सौमित्रे शरांश्चाशीविषोपमान।
सागरं शोषयिष्यामि पद्भ्यां यान्तु प्लवङ्गमाः।।
O Lakshmana, bring the bow and arrows equal to deadly poison .I will dry up the ocean . Let the monkeys proceed (to the other side) on foot."
ततो मध्यात समुद्रस्य सागरः स्वयमुत्थितः।
अब्रवीत प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं राघवं शरपाणिनम।।
Then , from the middle of the ocean the ocean-god came up himself and said with folded hands to Raghava wielding the arrows :
ग्राहनक्राकुलजलं स्तम्भयेयं कथञ्चन।
अयं सौम्य नलो नाम तनुजो विश्वकर्मणः।
एष सेतुं महोत्साहः करोतु मयि वानरः।।
" I shall somehow cause to be still the water turbulent with crocodiles and sharks . O amiable one , this one is the son of Vishvakarma , Nala by name . Let this monkey who is possessed of great enthusiasm build a bridge over me ."
एवमुक्त्वोदधिर्नष्टो व्यायतं शतयोजनम।
नलश्चक्रे महासेतुं मध्ये नदनदीपतेः।।
This said , the water of the ocean receded for a length of one hundred yojanas and Nala built the great bridge in the middle of the ocean .
वानराणां हि सा तीर्णा वाहिनी नलसेतुना।
तीरे निविविशे राज्ञो बहुमूलफलोदके।।
That army of the king of monleys crossed over the ocean by the bridge built by Nala and stationed themselves on the (other) bank , full of many roots , fruits and water .
राघवः सन्निवेश्यैव सैन्यं स्वं रक्षसां वधे।
विभीषणस्यानुमते राजधर्मुमनुस्मरन।
अङ्गदं वालितनयं समाहूयेदमब्रवीत।।
Having stationed his army for the killing of the Rakshsas , and remembering the kingly code of conduct and with the approval of Vibhishana, Raghava summoned Angada , the son of Vali and said to him:
गत्वा सौम्य दशग्रीवं ब्रूहि मद्वचनात कपे।।
" O amiable monkey , approaching the ten-necked Ravana , tell him as from me :
यस्य दण्डधरस्तेSहं लङ्काद्वारे व्यवस्थितः।
बलेन येन वै सीतां मायया राक्षसाधम।
मामतिक्रामयित्वा त्वं हृतवांस्तद्विदर्शय।।
O despicable Rakshasa , I , who am your chastiser , am now waiting at the door of Lanka . Show now that strength by means of which , having beguiled me away , you carried away Sita.
अराक्षसमिमं लोकं कर्तास्मि निशितैश्शरैः।
न चेच्छरणमभ्येषि मामुपादाय मैथिलीम।।
By my sharp arrows, I will make the world rid of all Rakshasas , if you do not seek my protection after restoring Maithili.
` धर्मात्मा रक्षसां श्रेष्ठः संप्राप्तोSयं विभीषणः।
लङ्केश्वर्यं ध्रुवं श्रीमान अयं प्राप्नोत्यकण्टकम।।
Here is Vibhishana , the righteous-minded and the foremost of the Rakshasas . The auspicious one will certainly get all the lordship of Lanka , rid of all obstacles .
न हि राज्यमधर्मेण भोक्तुं क्षणमपि त्वया।
शक्यं मूर्खसहायेन पापेनाविदितात्मना।।
It is impossible for you to enjoy your kingdom even for a moment , aided by fools and sinful as you are , and unable to restrain yourself .
मम चक्षुष्पथं प्राप्य न जीवन प्रतियास्यसि।।
If you once come within my sight , you can never return alive ."
इत्युक्तः स तु तारेयो रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।
तद्रामवचनं सर्वम अन्यूनाधिकमुत्तमम।
सामात्यं श्रावयामास निवेदयात्मानमात्मना।।
Being told thus by Rama of benign deeds , Angada the son of Tara , repeated to Ravana and his ministers the whole of Rama's peerless message without addition or omission , after having announced himself properly .
इत्येवं परुषं वाक्यं ब्रुवाणे हरिपुङ्गवे।
अमर्षवशमापन्नो निशाचरगणेश्वरः।
निर्वाणं सर्वसैन्यानां द्रुतमाज्ञापयत्तदा।।
When Angada the foremost of monkeys spoke such harsh words , Ravana the lord of Rakshasa hosts ,caught in the grip of anger , ordered then the quick departure of all his army .
तत्रासीत सुमहद्युद्धं तुमुलं रोमहर्षणम।
रक्षसां वानराणां च वीराणां जयमिच्छताम।।
Then their ensued a tumultuous and great battle , capable of making the hair stand on end , between the valorous Rakshasas and the monkeys , eager for victory.
अङ्गदस्तु रणे शत्रुं निहन्तुं समुपस्थितः।
रावणिं निजघानाशु सारथिं च हयानपि।।
Angada , eager of killing the enemy in the battlefield , quickly struck the son of Ravana as well as his charioteer and his horses .
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