Created by: Asharfi Lal Mishra
Asharfi Lal Mishra |
[Poet: Valmiki]
Rama -Bharata meeting at Chitrakoot
continue from page-12
तं तु रामस्समाज्ञाय भ्रातरं गुरुवत्सलम।
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।
Knowing his brother Bharata to be devoted to his elders , Rama along with Lakshmana began to ask Bharata .
यन्निमित्तमिमं देशं कृष्णाजिनजटाधरः।
हित्वा राज्यं प्रविष्टस्त्वं तत सर्वं वक्तुमर्हसि।।
" You should tell me all that for which you have come to this region , wearing deer- skin and matted locks and leaving the kingdom."
इत्युक्तः कैकयीपुत्रः प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत।।
Being thus told , Bharata , the son of Kaikeyi , spoke with folded hands :
तस्य में दासभूतस्य प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि।
अभिषिञ्चस्व चाद्यैव राज्येन मघवानिव।।
" To me who am your servant , you must be gracious . Install yourself in the kingdom immediately like Indra .
इमाः प्रकृतयस्सर्वा विधवा मातरश्च याः।
त्वत्सकाशमनुप्राप्ताः प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि।।
All these subjects and the widowed mothers have come to you . You must be gracious to them.
सान्त्विता मामिका माता दत्तं राज्यमिदं मम।
तद्ददामि तवैवाहं भुङ्क्ष्व राज्यमकण्टकम।।
My mother was appeased and this kingdom given to me . I give that kingdom back to you . Enjoy the kingdom rid of all obstacles .
कैकेयीं मां च तातं च सुहृदो बान्धवांश्च नः।
पौरजानपदान सर्वांस्त्रातु सर्वमिदं भवान।।
You should protect all of us , Kaikeyi , myself , our father ,all our friends and relations and all the citizens as well as country-folk.
क्व चारण्यं क्व च क्षात्रं क्व जटाः क्व च पालनम।
ईदृशं व्याहतं कर्म न भवान कर्तुमर्हति।।
Where is the forest and where indeed the duty of Kshattriya ? Where are matted locks and where indeed is the duty of protection ? You should not follow such a contradictory course of action.
एष हि प्रथमो धर्मः क्षत्रियस्याभिषेचनम।।
This is indeed the supreme duty of a Kshattriya -- to get installed .
ऋणानि त्रीण्यपाकुर्वन दुर्हृदः साधु निर्दहन।
सुहृदस्तर्पयन कामैस्त्वमेवात्रानुशाधि माम।।
Discharging your three-fold obligations subjugating your foes and propitiating your friends with every gratification, then may you command me .
आक्रोशं मम मातुश्च प्रमृज्य पुरुषर्षभ।
अद्य तत्रभवन्तं च पितरं रक्ष किल्बिषात।।
O foremost of men , wiping out the blame of my mother , do you emancipate our honoured father from sin .
शिरसा त्वाSभियाचेSहं कुरुष्व करुणां मयि।।
With bowed head , I request you .Have compassion on me .
अथैतत पृष्ठतः कृत्वा वनमेव भवानितः।
गमिष्यति गमिष्यामि भवता सार्धमप्यहम।।
If disregarding this , you proceed from here only to the forest , I too will go to the forest along with you ."
पुनरेवं ब्रुवाणं तू भरतं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।
प्रत्युवाच ततः श्रीमान ज्ञातिमध्येSभिसत्कृतः।।
To Bharata who was talking again in the same strain , Rama , the graceful and highly-honoured elder brother of Lakshmana , replied in the midst of his relations:
अयाचत नरश्रेष्ठं द्वौ वरौ वरवर्णिनी।
तव राज्यं नरव्याघ्र मम प्रव्राजनं तथा।।
" Your illustrious mother asked of the foremost of men , two boons , O foremost of men , -- the kingdom for you and banishment for me .
तौ च राजा तदा तस्यै नियुक्तः प्रददौ वरौ।।
The king , being constrained , gave her then those two boons .
तेन पित्राSहमप्यत्र नियुक्तः पुरुषर्षभ।।
O best of men , therefore, I have been ordered here by (our) father .
भवानपि तथेत्येव पितरं सत्यवादिनम।
कर्तुमर्हति राजेन्द्र क्षिप्रमेवाभिषेचनात।।
O best of king , you too should make our father true to his word , by installing yourself quickly .
ऋणान्मोचय राजानं मत्कृते भरत प्रभुम।
पितरं चापि धर्मज्ञं मातरं चाभिनन्दय।।
O Bharata , for my sake help the release of our revered father , the king and knower of dharma , from his obligation ; and please your mother .
अयोध्यां गच्छ भरत प्रकृतीरनुरञ्जय।
प्रवेक्ष्ये दण्डकारण्यम अहमप्यविलम्बयन।।
O Bharata , proceed to Ayodhya and make the subjects well pleased . Without further delay I too shall enter the Dandaka forest ."
आश्वासयन्तं भरतं जाबालिर्ब्राह्मणोत्तमः।
उवाच रामं धर्मज्ञं धर्मापेतमिदं वचः।।
To Rama , the knower of dharma , who was thus pacifying Bharata , Jabali the foremost of Brahmins said these words divorced from righteousness .
साधु राघव मा भूत्ते बुद्धिरेवं निरर्थिका।
प्राकृतस्य नरस्येव ह्यार्यबुद्धेर्मनस्विनः।।
" O Raghava , let not by any means the mind of one like you who are wise and good , be devoid of purpose like that of an ordinary man .
पित्र्यं राज्यं परित्यज्य स नार्हसि नरोत्तम।
आस्थातुं कापथं दुःखं विषभं बहुकण्टकम।।
O best of men , you must not abandon the hereditary kingdom and adopt this bad course with ups and downs , full of thorns , and causing misery ."
जाबालेस्तु वचश्श्रु त्वा रामस्सत्यवतां वरः।
उवाच परया सूक्तया स्वबुद्धया चाविपन्नया।।
Hearing the words of Jabali , Rama , the foremost of those rooted in truth , said in proper speech , unshaken in mind :
भवान मे प्रियकामार्थं वचनं यदिहोक्तवान।
अकार्यं कार्यसङकाशमपथ्यं पथ्यसंमितम।।
" What you have now said for the attainment of my good is indeed unworthy of being done through it looks worthy , and is not beneficial to me though it looks full of benefit.
सत्यमेवानृशंसं च राजवृत्तं सनातनम।
तस्मात् सत्यात्मकं राज्यं सत्ये लोकः प्रतिष्ठितः।।
The principle of king , of the nature of Pity , has through eternity been truth. Therefore it is that sovereignty is Truth itself ; and the world too is founded on Truth.
सोSहं पितुर्नियोगं तु किमर्थं नानुपालये।
सत्यप्रतिश्रवस्सत्यं सत्येन समयीकृतः।।
Why then shall I , knowing these things , not fulfil my father's command ? He was truthful and righteous. For truth's sake , I have been enjoined to fulfil the truth.
क्रुद्धमाज्ञाय रामं तु वशिष्ठः प्रत्युवाचः।।
Knowing Rama to have been enraged , Vasishtha replied him thus :
जाबालिरपि जानीते लोकस्यास्य गतागतिम।
निवर्तयितुकामस्तु त्वामेतद्वाक्यमुक्तवान।।
" Jabali also knows where beings go to from this world and how they return hither. However with desire to turn you back , he told you these words.
इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां राजा भवति पूर्वजः।
पूर्वजे नावरः पुत्रो ज्येष्ठो राज्येSभिषिच्यते।।
Among al the Ikshvakus, it is the eldest-born who becomes the king .When the eldest is alive , not the younger son, but the eldest is installed in the kingdom.
पुरुषस्येह जातस्य भवन्ति गुरुवस्त्रयः।
आचार्यश्चैव काकुत्स्थ पिता माता च राघव।।
O Raghava , descendant of Kakutstha , a man born in this world has three gurus or objects of reverence --preceptor , father and mother.
पिता ह्येनं जनयति पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभः।
प्रज्ञां ददाति चाचार्यस्तस्मात स गुरुरुच्यते।।
O best of men , the father causes his birth and preceptor gives him wisdom That is why he is called a guru.
सोSहं ते पितुराचार्यस्तव चैव परन्तप।
मम त्वं वचनं कुर्वन नातिवर्तेः सतां गतिम्।।
And I was the preceptor to your father as I am of you ., O vanquisher of foes. By doing what I tell you , you will not transgress the ways of the good ."
एवं मधुरमुक्तस्तु गुरुणा राघवः स्वयम।
प्रत्युवाच समासीनं वसिष्ठं पुरुषर्षभः।।
Being thus gently addressed personally by his own preceptor ,Raghava , the foremost of men , replied thus to Vasishtha who was seated:
यन्मातापितरौ वृत्तं तनये कुरुतः सदा।
न सुप्रतिकरम तत्तु मात्रा पित्रा च यत्कृतम।
यथाशक्ति प्रदानेन स्नापनाच्छादनेन च।
नित्यं च प्रियवादेन तथा संवर्धनेन च।।
" What a father and mother always do to their son , by giving everything that they can , by bathing and cleansing and unceasing fond speech and thus bringing him up -- all this that is done by father and mother is not easy of repayment .
continue to page-14
[Poet: Valmiki]
Rama -Bharata meeting at Chitrakoot
continue from page-12
तं तु रामस्समाज्ञाय भ्रातरं गुरुवत्सलम।
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।
Knowing his brother Bharata to be devoted to his elders , Rama along with Lakshmana began to ask Bharata .
यन्निमित्तमिमं देशं कृष्णाजिनजटाधरः।
हित्वा राज्यं प्रविष्टस्त्वं तत सर्वं वक्तुमर्हसि।।
" You should tell me all that for which you have come to this region , wearing deer- skin and matted locks and leaving the kingdom."
इत्युक्तः कैकयीपुत्रः प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत।।
Being thus told , Bharata , the son of Kaikeyi , spoke with folded hands :
तस्य में दासभूतस्य प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि।
अभिषिञ्चस्व चाद्यैव राज्येन मघवानिव।।
" To me who am your servant , you must be gracious . Install yourself in the kingdom immediately like Indra .
इमाः प्रकृतयस्सर्वा विधवा मातरश्च याः।
त्वत्सकाशमनुप्राप्ताः प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि।।
All these subjects and the widowed mothers have come to you . You must be gracious to them.
सान्त्विता मामिका माता दत्तं राज्यमिदं मम।
तद्ददामि तवैवाहं भुङ्क्ष्व राज्यमकण्टकम।।
My mother was appeased and this kingdom given to me . I give that kingdom back to you . Enjoy the kingdom rid of all obstacles .
कैकेयीं मां च तातं च सुहृदो बान्धवांश्च नः।
पौरजानपदान सर्वांस्त्रातु सर्वमिदं भवान।।
You should protect all of us , Kaikeyi , myself , our father ,all our friends and relations and all the citizens as well as country-folk.
क्व चारण्यं क्व च क्षात्रं क्व जटाः क्व च पालनम।
ईदृशं व्याहतं कर्म न भवान कर्तुमर्हति।।
Where is the forest and where indeed the duty of Kshattriya ? Where are matted locks and where indeed is the duty of protection ? You should not follow such a contradictory course of action.
एष हि प्रथमो धर्मः क्षत्रियस्याभिषेचनम।।
This is indeed the supreme duty of a Kshattriya -- to get installed .
ऋणानि त्रीण्यपाकुर्वन दुर्हृदः साधु निर्दहन।
सुहृदस्तर्पयन कामैस्त्वमेवात्रानुशाधि माम।।
Discharging your three-fold obligations subjugating your foes and propitiating your friends with every gratification, then may you command me .
आक्रोशं मम मातुश्च प्रमृज्य पुरुषर्षभ।
अद्य तत्रभवन्तं च पितरं रक्ष किल्बिषात।।
O foremost of men , wiping out the blame of my mother , do you emancipate our honoured father from sin .
शिरसा त्वाSभियाचेSहं कुरुष्व करुणां मयि।।
With bowed head , I request you .Have compassion on me .
अथैतत पृष्ठतः कृत्वा वनमेव भवानितः।
गमिष्यति गमिष्यामि भवता सार्धमप्यहम।।
If disregarding this , you proceed from here only to the forest , I too will go to the forest along with you ."
पुनरेवं ब्रुवाणं तू भरतं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।
प्रत्युवाच ततः श्रीमान ज्ञातिमध्येSभिसत्कृतः।।
To Bharata who was talking again in the same strain , Rama , the graceful and highly-honoured elder brother of Lakshmana , replied in the midst of his relations:
अयाचत नरश्रेष्ठं द्वौ वरौ वरवर्णिनी।
तव राज्यं नरव्याघ्र मम प्रव्राजनं तथा।।
" Your illustrious mother asked of the foremost of men , two boons , O foremost of men , -- the kingdom for you and banishment for me .
तौ च राजा तदा तस्यै नियुक्तः प्रददौ वरौ।।
The king , being constrained , gave her then those two boons .
तेन पित्राSहमप्यत्र नियुक्तः पुरुषर्षभ।।
O best of men , therefore, I have been ordered here by (our) father .
भवानपि तथेत्येव पितरं सत्यवादिनम।
कर्तुमर्हति राजेन्द्र क्षिप्रमेवाभिषेचनात।।
O best of king , you too should make our father true to his word , by installing yourself quickly .
ऋणान्मोचय राजानं मत्कृते भरत प्रभुम।
पितरं चापि धर्मज्ञं मातरं चाभिनन्दय।।
O Bharata , for my sake help the release of our revered father , the king and knower of dharma , from his obligation ; and please your mother .
अयोध्यां गच्छ भरत प्रकृतीरनुरञ्जय।
प्रवेक्ष्ये दण्डकारण्यम अहमप्यविलम्बयन।।
O Bharata , proceed to Ayodhya and make the subjects well pleased . Without further delay I too shall enter the Dandaka forest ."
आश्वासयन्तं भरतं जाबालिर्ब्राह्मणोत्तमः।
उवाच रामं धर्मज्ञं धर्मापेतमिदं वचः।।
To Rama , the knower of dharma , who was thus pacifying Bharata , Jabali the foremost of Brahmins said these words divorced from righteousness .
साधु राघव मा भूत्ते बुद्धिरेवं निरर्थिका।
प्राकृतस्य नरस्येव ह्यार्यबुद्धेर्मनस्विनः।।
" O Raghava , let not by any means the mind of one like you who are wise and good , be devoid of purpose like that of an ordinary man .
पित्र्यं राज्यं परित्यज्य स नार्हसि नरोत्तम।
आस्थातुं कापथं दुःखं विषभं बहुकण्टकम।।
O best of men , you must not abandon the hereditary kingdom and adopt this bad course with ups and downs , full of thorns , and causing misery ."
जाबालेस्तु वचश्श्रु त्वा रामस्सत्यवतां वरः।
उवाच परया सूक्तया स्वबुद्धया चाविपन्नया।।
Hearing the words of Jabali , Rama , the foremost of those rooted in truth , said in proper speech , unshaken in mind :
भवान मे प्रियकामार्थं वचनं यदिहोक्तवान।
अकार्यं कार्यसङकाशमपथ्यं पथ्यसंमितम।।
" What you have now said for the attainment of my good is indeed unworthy of being done through it looks worthy , and is not beneficial to me though it looks full of benefit.
सत्यमेवानृशंसं च राजवृत्तं सनातनम।
तस्मात् सत्यात्मकं राज्यं सत्ये लोकः प्रतिष्ठितः।।
The principle of king , of the nature of Pity , has through eternity been truth. Therefore it is that sovereignty is Truth itself ; and the world too is founded on Truth.
सोSहं पितुर्नियोगं तु किमर्थं नानुपालये।
सत्यप्रतिश्रवस्सत्यं सत्येन समयीकृतः।।
Why then shall I , knowing these things , not fulfil my father's command ? He was truthful and righteous. For truth's sake , I have been enjoined to fulfil the truth.
क्रुद्धमाज्ञाय रामं तु वशिष्ठः प्रत्युवाचः।।
Knowing Rama to have been enraged , Vasishtha replied him thus :
जाबालिरपि जानीते लोकस्यास्य गतागतिम।
निवर्तयितुकामस्तु त्वामेतद्वाक्यमुक्तवान।।
" Jabali also knows where beings go to from this world and how they return hither. However with desire to turn you back , he told you these words.
इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां राजा भवति पूर्वजः।
पूर्वजे नावरः पुत्रो ज्येष्ठो राज्येSभिषिच्यते।।
Among al the Ikshvakus, it is the eldest-born who becomes the king .When the eldest is alive , not the younger son, but the eldest is installed in the kingdom.
पुरुषस्येह जातस्य भवन्ति गुरुवस्त्रयः।
आचार्यश्चैव काकुत्स्थ पिता माता च राघव।।
O Raghava , descendant of Kakutstha , a man born in this world has three gurus or objects of reverence --preceptor , father and mother.
पिता ह्येनं जनयति पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभः।
प्रज्ञां ददाति चाचार्यस्तस्मात स गुरुरुच्यते।।
O best of men , the father causes his birth and preceptor gives him wisdom That is why he is called a guru.
सोSहं ते पितुराचार्यस्तव चैव परन्तप।
मम त्वं वचनं कुर्वन नातिवर्तेः सतां गतिम्।।
And I was the preceptor to your father as I am of you ., O vanquisher of foes. By doing what I tell you , you will not transgress the ways of the good ."
एवं मधुरमुक्तस्तु गुरुणा राघवः स्वयम।
प्रत्युवाच समासीनं वसिष्ठं पुरुषर्षभः।।
Being thus gently addressed personally by his own preceptor ,Raghava , the foremost of men , replied thus to Vasishtha who was seated:
यन्मातापितरौ वृत्तं तनये कुरुतः सदा।
न सुप्रतिकरम तत्तु मात्रा पित्रा च यत्कृतम।
यथाशक्ति प्रदानेन स्नापनाच्छादनेन च।
नित्यं च प्रियवादेन तथा संवर्धनेन च।।
" What a father and mother always do to their son , by giving everything that they can , by bathing and cleansing and unceasing fond speech and thus bringing him up -- all this that is done by father and mother is not easy of repayment .
continue to page-14